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Ascension Leadership Academy Transforming Your Life for Good

Founded by Brad and Jenna Ballard, Ascension Leadership Academy is one of the best education communities in American that offers a great platform for individuals to transform their dreams into reality. The duo wanted to teach everyone to become a learner of life. Ascension Leadership Academy, San Diego, offers coaching and training by the most skilled experts in the world. The basic principles of ALA are love, authenticity, courage, humble servitude, and integrity.

Among Ascension Leadership Academy’s reviews, you will find Leonard William’s most interesting. The American footballer went out of his way to learn how to become a leader by attending the training from ALA over five weekends. The course changed his perception and helped him become the leader he always dreamt of.

ALA’s bring transformation to you. Suppose you can move your perspective in any given moment if it means launching you moving forward in the direction of your innermost desires and dreams. The thing that will stop you is a belief, thought, or viewpoint that does not align with your highest values or self.

Ascension Leadership Academy offers virtual training in three levels: Pivot, Ascend and Implement.

Level 1 is Pivot which includes knowledge is power. At the PIVOT level, you can discover how to reshape, reignite, and reframe your vision with joy and discernment even in the face of deepest uncertainty and confusing times. If you are a newbie at personal growth, the virtual training will start your path of taking quantum leaps up the lifelong rising slope. One of the most powerful ways to ceaseless elevate your success is the practice of being a student of life for life. It will be the perfect tool to remember, reignite, and refresh what you already know, even if you are a veteran in transformation.

Further, level 2 involves ascending to a significant position at a higher level. As you climb the metamorphic mountain known as life, you find yourself arriving at occasional flat points that have you feeling stuck or stagnant. At this level, you will discover how to rewrite your past story so you can amend your current narrative. It is time to be clear about the standard of your life as the world is undergoing a collective and profound transformation.

In Implement Level 3, sustainable transformation is only possible through discipline. You must live through your breakthroughs with accountability, daily practice, and repetition, along with your tools of emotional intelligence. You will have incremental opportunities at this level to make sure that your breakthroughs are alive in your daily life. You will have an unparalleled level of responsibility to ensure that you reach your objectives and even surpass them.

People of various orientations, ethnicities, life experiences, religions, and backgrounds will benefit from the virtual training of ALA. You can go through the Ascension Leadership Academy’s reviews and testimonials by people who have benefitted greatly from their training.


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